Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Podcast!

Hey everyone!

I have a podcast! It's called the Kibosh Video Game Podcast on iTunes, you can subscribe HERE!

You can also view our Blog HERE!

Please subscribe and follow, it means a lot to me.

You guys are great, enjoy 2011!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Guitar Strings/First Post With Pics!

I got this guitar for Christmas somewhere around seven years ago. In all that time I never broke a string so I never had to change the them. Today I changed it's strings for the very first time. Surprisingly my small E strings snapped as soon as I touched the tuning key to take it off. I have know idea why it never broke before.

To give you an idea why this is significant just look at these strings. On the left are the new strings, gold and shiny. On the right are the old stings. They look like a 30 year old penny. Delicious.

That's about how they sounded as well. So now I finally have new strings and they sound like Jews Harp, sigh, luckily all I have to do is break them in a bit, and then in seven more years I will change them again.

First post with pics as well. Today is just full of firsts for me. And it's not over yet.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shia Lebeouf didn't like Indiana Jones 4

It seems I am the only one who enjoyed the new Indiana Jones movie.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Don't Turn Around

This is the story of my Friday night. It started out much like other nights. I got off work hungry, called my friend Jaren and we went for food at the Fox's Den -- The new pizza place in Logan. It's alright.

After eating we went up to the Logan Cemetery. Why? Because I have become obsessed with the paranormal lately do to the show Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel. (Great show, watch it.) So, we went up to the Cemetery because there is a myth about one of the graves. The grave is of a woman leaning over with her hand on her head as if she was crying or grieving. The myth is that on a full moon if you were to go to the grave you could hear crying and the face on the statue would be wet. We wanted to test this myth. After walking down pretty much every road in the cemetery except for the one the grave was on we finally found it (it is a lot easier to find during the day. By the way, it was about 10:30 pm when we went up). We did not hear any crying and we touched the face and it was not wet. Not surprising. I'm not a big believer in inanimate objects personifying because of ghosts. And I don't really believe ghosts hang out around cemeteries. Why would they? It would be Boring. However, it was not technically a full moon on the night we went. The full moon was on the 25 Jan. and we went on the 29 Jan. So we will try again in February but so far it's not looking good for the myth.

We left the cemetery at 11:00. With time to kill we wanted to find some more creepy places. We drove out to Smithfield. About halfway there we hit freakishly think fog -- the kind where you can only see about 10 feet in front of you. From Smithfield we headed west towards Benson -- all the while it is still foggy. After driving for a while we reached a part in the road where there are no turn offs, and of course one other car comes up behind us trying to drive really fast despite the blinding fog. So we drive until we reached a turn off and turned south -- the other car turned north. We pulled over to flip around and head back and we got stuck in the snow. Just great! We were somewhere around 33,000 West range. We tried pushing ourselves out but it wasn't working. A van drove by but did not stop and help us. Jaren had the idea of sitting on the hood of the car and lifting where the tire was. This worked and we finally got out. Not wanting to get stuck again we just went straight looking for another way back to Logan.

Jaren supposedly knew where we were but I was getting all confused by the fog to where I didn't know which direction was which. Everything looked the same and I felt like we were just going in circles. We joked about what would happen if we walked off into the foggy fields and what would happen to us. There was nothing around except for the occasional old house.

After making it back to Logan we decided to explore the opposite side of town, so we went out to 600 South and headed west again. Once again it got foggy right as we left the Logan area and once again someone got right behind us when we reached the point of no return. And this guy got right up on my tail and had really bright lights which just made it harder for me to see. Plus there was a really freaky horse that stared at us as we drove by! But we made it out to Mendon around 12:45-1:00 am. Once again we pulled over turn around but this time we didn't get stuck in the snow. Instead we pulled partially into someone's drive, and sure enough, we got stuck again. AHHH!!! We were only about a foot into the guys driveway and the driveway was barely sloped at all but it was completely ice and my car has front wheel drive (which were the wheels on the driveway) so we couldn't get out. We tried pushing ourselves out and putting cardboard and floormattes under the tires but the only thing that happened was the floormattes being shot out from the tires and the car slipping further and further into these peoples driveway. I'm surprised we didn't wake anyone up with the sound of the car engine. We even melted a tire shape hole about an inch and a half into the ice.

We finally called for help. Firt my mom (on accident since she wasn't even in town), then my brother who didn't answer his phone and finally my roommate Dan who we woke up. Dan drove out and towed us out of the driveway. It was 1:30 at this time. So anyways, we all went home after -- The End.

The moral of the story: DON'T TURN AROUND!!! Look what happened to Lot's wife.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Food For Thought

Why is there not instructions for making Rice Krispies Treats™ on every box of Rice Krispies™? There should be instructions for Rice Krispies Treats™ on every box of Rice Krispies™. For how old and popular they are it should be manditory. Maybe it is just my box because it was discounted. Maybe you have to pay full price to get the Rice Krispies Treats™ instructions. Is that how it is Kellogs™? Yeah, I see how it is. Fine! I don't want Rice Krispies Treats™ anyawys.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is the glass half full or half empty...or neither?

I have been sick the last couple of days so when I went to bed last night I placed a tall glass of water in a coca cola cup on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf next to my bed and then went to sleep. I was awoken during the night by the sound of something falling over. It was dark and I could not see, so I reached over and felt water on the bookshelf. I quickly turned on my lamp and saw that the glass of water had tipped over. Oddly, I was more curious of how the glass tipped over than of what was getting wet (there was a lot of water in the glass) since I was pretty sure I had not hit it because I would have noticed that. I grabbed a towel and started to soak up the water. Luckily the only things that got wet were some CD's and the blanket of my bed, which, in even more luck, absorbed most of the water keeping most of it off the floor. I cleared everything off the bookshelf and moved it to see how wet the floor was. It was slightly damp and I did the best I could to dry it but ultimately decided that it would just have to dry on it's own. This is where it gets interesting. I started contemplating my use of the term "lucky." It is peculiar to see how people define luck. I was lucky in that the water had not ruined anything and only just barely got on the floor due to the arrangement of my bed (a small futon mattress on the floor) and the bookshelf. Though how is waking up in the middle of the night while your sick only to have to clean up the water and move around your room to do it to be considered lucky? I guess it all comes down to whether or not you see the glass as half empty or half full. Although, in this situation it was neither. It was pretty much all the way empty. Maybe about 1/10 full. Or 9/10 empty, depending on how you look at it, but in current circumstances I would say neither is good. So, if all things happen for a reason than why the heck was I waking up in the middle of the night with a cold and cleaning up messes?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Talking Money!

I've got two dimes and nickel that say that this summer is going to rock!

...and the fact that those little heads are talking is really freakin' me out!